Applying Past the Priority Deadline
Did you secure an internship, and miss the AIP deadlines? Here's your last chance to apply for AIP for Fall 2024! Academic Internship Program will review Learning Agreements submitted through January 8, 2025.
Winter 2025 Final Deadlines for AIP 97/197/197P
Learning Agreement submission: January 8, 2025
EASy request submission: January 13, 2025
Last Call for Winter: Enrollment Drop-in Advising
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
1:00-2:30 pm
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 977 4611 6883
This is an opportunity to ask questions about enrollment, including:
- Learning Agreements
- EASy requests
- Faculty Advisors
- AIP course options
Preparing for Drop-ins
- Carefully review AIP's application and enrollment process
- Submit a Learning Agreement via InternLink prior to attending Drop-in Advising. Be thorough to facilitate approval.
- AIP staff will use Drop-In appointments to review the Learning Agreement with you and address any questions.
Criteria for approval of the Learning Agreement
Please carefully review the criteria below. Complete and thorough information facilitates approval.
- Internship: You have secured an internship that clearly meets AIP's Internship Guidelines. Details provided in the Learning Agreement will be used to make this determination. The Internship Description should clearly describe your expected work and/or projects as an intern, as well as planned training/professional supervision.
- Dates: Start and End Dates fall within the academic quarter. Internships must begin no later than Week 2
- Internship hours:Minimum required internship hours for the elected unit option will be met by the end of the quarter. If beginning later than Week 1, demonstrate how missed hours will be recovered (e.g., by increasing hours/week).
- 2 units: 5 hours/week (50 total)
- 4 units: 10 hours/week (100 total)
- 6 units: 15 hours/week (150 total)
- 8, 10, and 12 unit options will not be considered past the priority deadline.
- Students may exceed the minimum hours/week for the elected unit option (e.g.., you may choose to enroll in 4 units even if you will work 15 hours/week).
- Continuing Internships: If continuing an internship, the Learning Agreement includes new Learning Objectives and the Internship Description shows progression from the prior quarter(s), and opportunities for new learning. Learning Agreements mirroring a previous quarter will not be approved.
- Faculty Advisor: Identify an eligible AIP Faculty Advisor with a UC San Diego Senate (ladder-rank) teaching appointment to work with you on the academic paper/project component of AIP.
- Eligible faculty typically have "Professor" in their title (e.g.. Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Teaching Professor, etc.). Check faculty bios on departmental websites for faculty titles and areas of expertise.
- Most Lecturers do not hold a Senate appointment. Requests to enroll with Lecturers who do not have an existing waiver in place will be denied.
- Refer to our Guidelines on Finding a Faculty Advisor for tips on connecting with faculty advisors
- Communication majors: The Communication department designates a faculty advisor to work with Communication majors enrolling in AIP.
- Special Studies Eligibility:
- AIP 197/197P: 90 units completed, 2.5 UC GPA
- AIP 97: 30 units completed, 3.0 UC GPA
- Enrollment deadline: Enrollment must be fully processed (including approval of Learning Agreement and EASy request) prior to the end of the University Add period (Week 2). Enrollment Authorization (EASy) requests should be submitted immediately upon approval of the Learning Agreement, and no later than Monday, January 13, 2025.
How can I get my Learning Agreement approved quickly?
Learning Agreements will be reviewed in the order received, and AIP tends to receive a high volume of applications near our deadlines. You can ensure quicker approval by submitting as early as possible, and being thorough and attentive to detail when completing your Learning Agreement. When we have all the information we need, we can speed through approval more quickly!
How do I attend Drop-In hours?
Click the Zoom link above during scheduled Drop-In hours to enter the AIP waiting room. You will be connected with AIP staff as soon as they become available.
Should I wait until Drop-Ins to apply?
No! If you have been offered an internship and have the needed details, submit a Learning via InternLink to get the application process started. You can still attend Drop-In Hours if you have questions about the enrollment process, or other aspects of the program.
What if I can't make it to your Drop-In hours?
Learning Agreements submitted via InternLink by the extended deadline will be reviewed and approved if the above criteria are met. You are not required to attend Drop-in Hours.
What if I miss the extended deadlines or can't meet AIP's criteria?
Consider applying to enroll in AIP for next quarter. Ask the internship host if it is possible to postpone the internship, and submit a Learning Agreement for the upcoming quarter by the deadline. AIP will be happy to work with you and the employer to facilitate a future opportunity that meets our Internship Guidelines and aligns with an academic term. If you want to apply to internships for a future quarter and would like support in that process, send a message to Academic Internship Program via the Virtual Advising Center (VAC) to request an appointment with an AIP Counselor.
Can I enroll without a Faculty Advisor?
No. All students enrolling in AIP courses must work with an eligible UC San Diego Faculty Advisor/Instructor on a final deliverable related to the internship. Faculty Advisors provide guidance on the final deliverable, and submit a grade for the AIP course (P/NP).
I need to enroll in AIP to apply for Curricular Practical Training (CPT). Can you make an exception for me?
As AIP is an academic course, AIP internships must align with the academic quarter, including enrollment dates, and late enrollment requests cannot be accommodated. Consider postponing the internship to a future term, if possible, and direct any questions related to work authorization and/or or the CPT process to ISEO.
I still have questions. How can I reach you?
Send a message to Academic Internship Program via the Virtual Advising Center (VAC) with your question.