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UC Center Sacramento


SacramentoUC Center Sacramento (UCCS) is the University of California’s premier teaching, research, and public-service site located one block from the State Capitol Building in Sacramento, California. As a unique experience for University of California students to combine academics, research, and public service, UCCS engages students with public policy and policymaking at all levels of government, in a diverse number of fields. 

The UCCS program is available year-round (fall, winter, spring, and summer quarters), and all majors are encouraged! Past UCSD students have interned in the State Capitol (with State Assemblymembers and State Senators, Committees, and Offices), various government departments and agencies (such as the Department of Public Health, Department of Housing & Community Development, the Environmental Protection Agency), and organizations (such as LULAC, California Forward, and more). 

UCCS CohortReasons to Participate in UCCS

  • Internships in all fields of interest and industries are available. 
  • Network with your University of California peers and professionals in a variety of settings. Expand your professional network through workshops and events in Sacramento - the possibilities are invaluable. 
  • Sacramento is a dynamic city, known as the Farm-to-Fork capital. Not only is Sacramento home to many landmarks of historical significance, but it is also home to many businesses, organizations, and museums. As an undergraduate student, the opportunities are endless! 
  • Be at the center of California’s public policy research. UC Center Sacramento seeks to foster public policy research in the University of California system in collaboration with partners in academia, government and philanthropy. 
  • Learn from the top scholars in every field. UC Center Sacramento hosts a weekly speaker series and other workshops, summarizing new findings or synthesizing information with potential implications for state policy. This year’s themes include:
    • 1) Economic Revival in California During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
    • 2) Meeting the Needs of California’s Changing Workforce; and 
    • 3) The Future of Publicly Funded Education



Coursework & Internships (up to 15 quarter units):

(A) Political Science 192A: Political Science Internship (Mandatory, 5 units - Pass/No Pass):

This course combines research with professional experience. Work as an intern for about 20 hours per week by supporting the policy-making process in a legislator's office, an executive branch agency, or another setting in the Sacramento policy community. Students must complete a public policy research paper as part of this course.

Click here for the Syllabus

(B) Political Science 193: Internship & Research (Optional, 2 units - Letter Grade):

Internship and three analytic papers related to the internship and/or current events in addition to an oral presentation. 

Click for the Syllabus.

(C) Political Science 195: The California Policy Seminar (Mandatory, 4 units - Letter Grade)

This course teaches students about the state's political processes, institutions, and policy challenges. The seminar is taught by members of the UC Davis faculty and features guest lectures given by a variety of participants and observers of California politics and government. 

Click for the Syllabus.

(D) Political Science 196E: Research Design & Methods (Mandatory, 4 units - Graded):

Original undergraduate research work culminating in a poster presentation. Learn to utilize programs like Qualtrics, GIS, Stata, and Excel to collect and analyze data.

Click for the Syllabus.

(E) Additional Courses. Students are permitted to enroll in additional courses offered at UC Davis, so long as they meet course requirements. This option is not encouraged, as students are typically very busy between their internships and courses at the center alone. Click to see additional courses

Special Courses:

Each quarter, a special studies course is offered and can be taken instead of Political Science 195: The California Policy Seminar (4 units - Letter Grade). 

(A) Public Policy - Healthcare

Political Science 108: Public Policy - Healthcare (4 units)

This course is currently "The Policy & Politics of Healthcare". Students analyze the impact and implementation of Health Policy in California. The course examines the way health policy can influence health, the tools available to health policy analysts, and the ways in which health services researchers have examined health care access, quality, and costs. This course is only available during Fall Quarters/Semesters and is taken instead of Political Science 195. This course must be taken for a letter grade.

Click for the Syllabus

(B) Public Policy - Environment 

Political Science 108: Public Policy - Environment (4 units)

The Environmental Policy course has three main objectives 1) to introduce the basics of environmental policy tools, approaches, and issues, 2) to creatively and critically examine case studies of environmental policy, and 3) to develop skills in investigating, writing, and speaking about environmental policy issues. The course will utilize an active learning approach and will center on case studies to examine cross-cutting themes. This course is only available during Winter Quarters and is taken instead of Political Science 195. This course must be taken for a letter grade.

Click for the Syllabus

(C) Public Policy - Education

Political Science 108: Public Policy - Education (4 units)

Students will examine the landscape of education policy and governance and develop an understanding of major education policy issues in California, including education finance policy and school funding, school accountability and improvement, teacher preparation and tenure, access to higher education, and more. This course is only available during Spring Quarters and is taken instead of Political Science 195. This course must be taken for a letter grade.

Click for the Syllabus


Program Eligibility

  • Upper division standing (90 units)
  • 3.0 GPA or above preferred
  • Transfer students with 1 completed quarter at their UC campus are eligible to apply.
  • - International students and DACA/AB540/Undocumented students are eligible to apply.

Visit the UC Sacramento Program

Application Deadlines

Upcoming Application Deadlines

Fall 2025:

Priority Deadline - March 20th, 2025

Final Deadline - April 24th, 2025

Application Deadlines

How To Apply

Application Process

1. UC Center Sacramento now uses an online application process!  Please click this link to start your application today! 

  • Your application (online or PDF) should include:

    - Completed Application Form

    - Resume* 

    - Essay*

    - Transcripts (can be unofficial)

For any assistance with our online application or PDF application and process for applying to UC Center Sacramento, please email the UC Center Sacramento advisors at

UCCS Campus Representative at UC San Diego
Contact: Keith Tindall
Department: Teaching + Learning Commons, Academic Internship Program